When it comes to your figure and where you see weight gain, everyone is different. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to maintain a healthy figure through a combination of diet and moderate exercise. Unfortunately, for most of us, nothing seems to help those stubborn localized areas of adiposity. Over time (and even with weight loss), people develop persistent fat deposits in various regions of the body, resulting in a disproportionate figure. No matter how strict of a diet that they try, or how rigorously that they exercise, they can’t seem to get the results they want.
The good news is that with liposuction or Coolsculpting, the localized areas of fat can be addressed with substantial results. With a liposuction procedure or Coolsculpting, excess fat tissue is permanently removed, resulting in reshaped body contours, and a slimmer appearance. Our team at The Plastic Surgery Institute is always available when you have questions about liposuction surgery or Coolsculpting, but here are a few basic questions that we frequently hear during our initial consultations:
Am I a good candidate for liposuction or Coolsculpting?-Individuals considering liposuction should be healthy and relatively fit, with firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone. Liposuction or Coolsculpting is a good way to target certain areas of the body and get rid of excess fat, but is generally not an effective treatment for cellulite or weight loss.
Can liposuction or Coolsculpting be performed with other procedures?-Liposuction can be performed in a single target area, or in multiple areas. It can also be performed along with other procedures such as a tummy tuck. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck is a more invasive procedure than standard liposuction, but when both procedures are performed together, the results can be dramatic.
How long will recovery take?-Every patient is different, but the standard recommendation is that you allow at least a week before returning to work, and two weeks to a month before resuming rigorous exercise. Bruising and swelling will take a few weeks to go away. You shouldn’t have much trouble with pain after the first couple of weeks, but the final results of your procedure may take up to six months.