First 24 Hours:

  • It is important to get out of bed as often as possible after your surgery (with assistance) to prevent postoperative problems. Please take deep breaths frequently to keep your lungs clear (15-20 times per day for first 3 days). Also, when lying in bed tighten our calf muscle several times to maintain blood flow to your legs. 
  • It is important to walk slightly “stooped over” – bent at the hips – for 3-5 days to release tension on the suture line.
  • Medication: The pain medication prescribed can be alternated with the muscle relaxer prescribed. This will help maintain a regular medication regimen and keep pain under control. The Exparel pain injection that is used during surgery typically starts to wear off day 3-5 and cause a slight increase in pain at this time. 
  • Sleeping: You may sleep with the head of the bed elevated about 30 degrees with 2 pillows under knees slightly flexed for comfort. A recliner works great for this “beach chair” position during recovery. 
  • Drains: Keep your drain bulbs collapsed and record time and amounts of drainage over a 24-Hour period. Generally, the drains will be removed when the drainage amount is 20cc or less in an entire 24 H period AND the output is yellow and clear in color/consistency, this typically happens between days 10-14 however they can be left intact up to 4 weeks if necessary, per Dr. Love. 
  • Dressings: Your incisions are covered with steri-strips (white strips). If they start to fold or roll, they may be trimmed, however do not remove completely. If an area of the incision is not covered completely by the steri-strips or are removed, you may clean the incision with Dial soap daily. These strips will stay on during your showers and will continue to be worn until your post-operative appointment where they are removed. 
  • Binder/Spanx: The binder provided for you should be worn as much as possible until your post-operative appointment. You may take it off to shower or to clean in washing machine but should be immediately placed back on upon completion. You will transition to Spanx ONLY after all drains are removed, unless otherwise told to do so by Dr. Love. 
  • Heat/Ice: NO ice or heat in ANY form should be used EVER on your abdominal region. You will be numb in this area and heat/ice will cause burns. This is very important! 
  •  Please call the office (or medical exchange) immediately at any signs of infection which would be signaled by fever, increased pain, new redness or swelling in abdominal area.  
  • If any questions or concerns arise PLEASE call Dr. Love’s office at 501-224-LOVE (5683)